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Here is a page dedicated to the endangered and in some cases extinct animals of the world, I bet you didnt realize there were so many! Please help save these wonderful creatures, they cant talk, so they need our help!

Endangerd species list


Bat, Hawaiian hoary
Bat, Indiana
Bat, lesser long-nosed 
  Bat, little Mariana fruit
Bat, Mariana fruit (=Mariana flying fox)
  Bat, Mexican long-nosed
Bat, Ozark big-eared
Bat, Virginia big-eared
Bear, American black
Bear, grizzly
  Bear, Louisiana black
Caribou, woodland
  Deer, Columbian white-tailed
Deer, key
  Ferret, black-footed
  Fox, San Joaquin kit
Fox, San Miguel Island
Fox, Santa Catalina Island )
  Fox, Santa Cruz Island
  Fox, Santa Rosa Island
  Jaguarundi, Gulf Coast
  Jaguarundi, Sinaloan
  Kangaroo rat, Fresno
  Kangaroo rat, giant
Kangaroo rat, Morro Bay 
  Kangaroo rat, San Bernardino Merriam's
Kangaroo rat, Stephens' 
  Kangaroo rat, Tipton
Lynx, Canada (
  Manatee, West Indian (
  Mountain beaver, Point Arena
Mouse, Alabama beach
  Mouse, Anastasia Island beach
  Mouse, Choctawhatchee beach
Mouse, Key Largo cotton
  Mouse, Pacific pocket
  Mouse, Perdido Key beach
  Mouse, Preble's meadow jumping
  Mouse, salt marsh harvest
  Mouse, southeastern beach
  Mouse, St. Andrew beach
Otter, Northern Sea
  Otter, southern sea
  Panther, Florida
Prairie dog, Utah (
  Pronghorn, Sonoran
  Puma (=cougar), eastern 
  Puma (=mountain lion)
  Rabbit, Lower Keys marsh
  Rabbit, pygmy
  Rabbit, riparian brush
  Rice rat
  Seal, Caribbean monk
Seal, Guadalupe fur
  Seal, Hawaiian monk )
Sea-lion, Steller
  Sheep, bighorn
  Sheep, bighorn
  Shrew, Buena Vista Lake ornate
Squirrel, Carolina northern flying 
Squirrel, Delmarva Peninsula fox
  Squirrel, Mount Graham red
Squirrel, northern Idaho ground (
  Squirrel, Virginia northern flying
  Vole, Amargosa
  Vole, Florida salt marsh
Vole, Hualapai Mexican
  Whale, blue
  Whale, bowhead
  Whale, finback
  Whale, humpback
  Whale, right
  Whale, Sei
  Whale, sperm
  Wolf, gray
  Wolf, red
  Woodrat, Key Largo
Woodrat, riparian (=San Joaquin Valley)

  Species Name
Akepa, Hawaii (honeycreeper)
  Akepa, Maui (honeycreeper) (
  Akialoa, Kauai (honeycreeper) )
  Akiapola`au (honeycreeper)
Albatross, short-tailed
Blackbird, yellow-shouldered
  Bobwhite, masked (quail)
  Caracara, Audubon's crested
  Condor, California
Coot, Hawaiian
Crane, Mississippi sandhill
Crane, whooping )
  Creeper, Hawaii
  Creeper, Molokai
  Creeper, Oahu
  Crow, Hawaiian (='alala)
  Crow, Mariana (=aga) )
  Crow, white-necked )
  Curlew, Eskimo
  Duck, Hawaiian (=koloa) ()
  Duck, Laysan )
  Eagle, bald
  Eider, spectacled
  Eider, Steller's ()
  Elepaio, Oahu )
  Falcon, northern aplomado
  Finch, Laysan (honeycreeper) )
  Finch, Nihoa (honeycreeper)
  Flycatcher, southwestern willow
  Gnatcatcher, coastal California
  Goose, Hawaiian
  Hawk, Hawaiian (='lo)
  Hawk, Puerto Rican broad-winged
  Hawk, Puerto Rican sharp-shinned
  Honeycreeper, crested
  Jay, Florida scrub )
  Kingfisher, Guam Micronesian
  Kite, Everglade snail
  Megapode, Micronesian
  Millerbird, Nihoa (old world warbler)
  Moorhen, Hawaiian common
  Moorhen, Mariana common
Murrelet, marbled
  Nightjar, Puerto Rican
  Nukupu`u (honeycreeper)
  `O`o, Kauai (honeyeater)
  `O`u (honeycreeper) (
Owl, Mexican spotted ()
  Owl, northern spotted
  Palila (honeycreeper)
  Parrot, Puerto Rican
  Parrotbill, Maui (honeycreeper)
  Pelican, brown
  Petrel, Hawaiian dark-rumped
  Pigeon, Puerto Rican plain
  Plover, piping
  Plover, western snowy
  Po`ouli (honeycreeper)
  Prairie-chicken, Attwater's greater
  Pygmy-owl, cactus ferruginous
  Rail, California clapper )
  Rail, Guam
  Rail, light-footed clapper
  Rail, Yuma clapper
  Shearwater, Newell's Townsend's
Shrike, San Clemente loggerhead
  Sparrow, Cape Sable seaside
  Sparrow, Florida grasshopper
  Sparrow, San Clemente sage
  Stilt, Hawaiian
  Stork, wood
  Swiftlet, Mariana gray
  Tern, California least
  Tern, least ()
Tern, roseate
  Thrush, large Kauai (=kamao) )
  Thrush, Molokai
  Thrush, small Kauai (=puaiohi)
  Towhee, Inyo California )
  Vireo, black-capped )
Vireo, least Bell's
Warbler (=wood), Bachman's
Warbler (=wood), golden-cheeked
Warbler (=wood), Kirtland's
  Warbler, nightingale reed (old world warbler) ()
  White-eye, bridled
White-eye, Rota bridled
Woodpecker, ivory-billed
  Woodpecker, red-cockaded

  Species Name
  Alligator, American )
Anole, Culebra Island giant ()
  Boa, Mona ( )
  Boa, Puerto Rican ()
  Boa, Virgin Islands tree ( )
  Cooter (=turtle), northern redbelly (=Plymouth) (
  Crocodile, American (
  Gecko, Monito (
Iguana, Mona ground ()
  Lizard, blunt-nosed leopard ( )
  Lizard, Coachella Valley fringe-toed ()
  Lizard, Island night ( )
  Lizard, St. Croix ground (
  Rattlesnake, New Mexican ridge-nosed (
Sea turtle, green (
  Sea turtle, hawksbill ( )
  Sea turtle, Kemp's ridley ( )
  Sea turtle, leatherback ( )
  Sea turtle, loggerhead ( )
  Sea turtle, olive ridley ()
  Skink, bluetail mole ( )
  Skink, sand ( )
  Snake, Atlantic salt marsh ( )
  Snake, Concho water ( )
  Snake, copperbelly water ( )
  Snake, eastern indigo ( )
  Snake, giant garter (
  Snake, Lake Erie water (
  Snake, San Francisco garter (
  Tortoise, desert ( )
  Tortoise, gopher ( )
  Turtle, Alabama red-belly ( )
  Turtle, bog (=Muhlenberg) ( )
  Turtle, flattened musk ( )
  Turtle, ringed map ()
  Turtle, yellow-blotched map ()
  Whipsnake (=striped racer), Alameda (

  Species Name
  Coqui, golden (
  Frog, California red-legged (
  Frog, Chiricahua leopard ()
  Frog, Mississippi gopher (
  Frog, mountain yellow-legged ( )
  Guajon (
  Salamander, Barton Springs ( )
  Salamander, California tiger (
  Salamander, Cheat Mountain ( )
  Salamander, desert slender ()
  Salamander, flatwoods ( )
  Salamander, Red Hills ( )
  Salamander, San Marcos
  Salamander, Santa Cruz long-toed (
Salamander, Shenandoah (
  Salamander, Sonora tiger ( 
  Salamander, Texas blind (
  Toad, arroyo (=arroyo southwestern) (
  Toad, Houston ()
  Toad, Puerto Rican crested ( )
  Toad, Wyoming ( ))

Status Species Name
  Catfish, Yaqui (
  Cavefish, Alabama (
  Cavefish, Ozark (
  Chub, bonytail ( )
  Chub, Borax Lake ( )
  Chub, Chihuahua ( )
  Chub, humpback (
  Chub, Hutton tui (
  Chub, Mohave tui (
  Chub, Oregon ( )
  Chub, Owens tui (
  Chub, Pahranagat roundtail ( )
  Chub, slender (
  Chub, Sonora (
  Chub, spotfin (
  Chub, Virgin River (
  Chub, Yaqui (
  Cui-ui (
  Dace, Ash Meadows speckled (
  Dace, blackside ( )
  Dace, Clover Valley speckled (
Dace, desert (
  Dace, Foskett speckled (.)
  Dace, Independence Valley speckled (
  Dace, Kendall Warm Springs (
  Dace, Moapa
  Darter, amber)
  Darter, bayou (
  Darter, bluemask (=jewel) (
  Darter, boulder (
  Darter, Cherokee (
Darter, duskytail (
  Darter, Etowah (
  Darter, fountain (
  Darter, goldline (
  Darter, leopard (
  Darter, Maryland (
  Darter, Niangua (
  Darter, Okaloosa (
  Darter, relict (
  Darter, slackwater (
  Darter, snail (
Darter, vermilion (
  Darter, watercress (
  Gambusia, Big Bend (
  Gambusia, Clear Creek
  Gambusia, Pecos (
  Gambusia, San Marcos
  Goby, tidewater (
  Logperch, Conasauga (
  Logperch, Roanoke (
  Madtom, Neosho (
  Madtom, pygmy (
  Madtom, Scioto (
  Madtom, smoky (
  Madtom, yellowfin (
Minnow, Devils River (
Minnow, loach (
  Minnow, Rio Grande silvery (
Pikeminnow (=squawfish), Colorado
  Poolfish, Pahrump (
  Pupfish, Ash Meadows Amargosa (
  Pupfish, Comanche Springs (
  Pupfish, desert (
  Pupfish, Devils Hole (
  Pupfish, Leon Springs (
Pupfish, Owens (
  Pupfish, Warm Springs (
  Salmon, Atlantic (
Salmon, chinook (
  Salmon, chum (
  Salmon, coho (
  Salmon, sockeye (
  Sculpin, pygmy (
Shiner, Arkansas River
  Shiner, beautiful (
  Shiner, blue (
  Shiner, Cahaba (
  Shiner, Cape Fear
  Shiner, palezone (
Shiner, Pecos bluntnose
  Shiner, Topeka (
  Silverside, Waccamaw )
  Smelt, delta ( )
  Spikedace ( )
  Spinedace, Big Spring (
  Spinedace, Little Colorado (
  Spinedace, White River ( )
  Springfish, Hiko White River ()
  Springfish, Railroad Valley (
  Springfish, White River ( )
  Steelhead (
Stickleback, unarmored threespine (  )
  Sturgeon, Alabama ()
  Sturgeon, gulf (
  Sturgeon, pallid ()
  Sturgeon, shortnose ( )
  Sturgeon, white ( )
  Sucker, June (
  Sucker, Lost River ( )
  Sucker, Modoc (
  Sucker, razorback ( )
  Sucker, Santa Ana ( )
  Sucker, shortnose ( )
  Sucker, Warner (
Topminnow, Gila (incl. Yaqui) ( )
  Trout, Apache ( )
  Trout, bull ( )
  Trout, Gila (
  Trout, greenback cutthroat (
  Trout, Lahontan cutthroat ( )
Trout, Little Kern golden ( )
  Trout, Paiute cutthroat ()
  Woundfin ( )

Endangered species of the month


Florida Panther!

   Felis concolor coryii
Today there are only 30 to 50 of these animals left. It would be a real shame to loose such a beautiful cat! The Florida Panther is endangered due to Increasing human development and population growth which has led to habitat loss and more collisions with vehicles.  This cat used to be common in easteren texas and in most of the southeast united states. but now is only found in the cypress swamps, pine, and hardwood hammock forests of Florida. They prey on white-tailed deer  wild hogs, rabbits, raccoons, armadillos, and birds.  They are solitary animals ushally weighing around 130 pounds for male and 70 pounds for the female! The Florida panther is among the most endangered species in the world! Reduced speeding zones, construction of panther underpasses, public education, captive breeding programs and research are what they are doing to help the Florida Panther. if you would like to learn more about the Florida Panther and other big cats you can visit this site ! http://www.bigcats.com/index.php


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