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"Until one has loved an animal,  a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ~ Anatole France    "No heaven will not ever Heaven be; Unless my cats are there to welcome me."     "We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." ~ Immanual Kant     "An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language." ~ Martin Buber   A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself. - Josh Billings  The more I see of men, the more I admire dogs. - Jeanne-Marie Roland   I love cats because I love my home and after a while they become its visible soul.- - Jean Cocteau Some people say man is the most dangerous animal on the planet. Obviously those people have never met an angry cat.- - Lillian Johnson         There are two means of refuge from the misery of life - music and cats.- Albert Schweitzer

Please send us your own animal quotes, drawing, essays, stories, ect. They can be about anything animal related. Either about your own experinces, something happening in the world today, or about a certain animal. We will choose one every month that is outstanding and put it on the home page and in the newsletter. You could be a winner. Every ones writtings that are uproved by either kati or I will go up on this page. I have put some examples up for You to see. You dont have to be the best writter, or drawer in the world You just have to try. Also to qualify in this you have to be a member of C.A.L.A- click the link-  Members - - - - have fun!
send your writtings to mailto:megblount@yahoo.com to be approved and check back soon to see if you made it on the site! With your writting please include your name, age and the state in which you live. Thank you

Point of View
Author: Shel Silverstein
Thanksgiving dinner's sad and thankless
Christmas dinner's dark and blue
When you stop and try to see it
From the turkey's point of view.
Sunday dinner isn't sunny
Easter feasts are just bad luck
When you see it from the viewpoint
Of a chicken or a duck.
Oh how I once loved tuna salad
Pork and lobsters, lamb chops too
Till I stopped and looked at dinner
From the dinner's point of view.

You Didn't Even Say Goodbye
Author: Andrew Siegele
"Woof!" I said as you started the car,
"Hooray!" I said, it's my first time afar.

The scents we were passing were all new to me,
For it was my first introduction to this mysterty.

As we got out of the car I embraced you with joy,
After all you remembered to bring my favorite toy!

You threw it once or twice, of which I retrieved,
But on the third it seemed you were ready to leave.

You threw it long and hard and I chased it like lightning,
But when I turned to bring it back I saw a sight quite frightening.

I gripped my toy hard as I tried to comprehend
What it was I did wrong to make our relationship end.

You walked back to your car as I sat there still loyal.
Why am I subservient and you so royal?

Your engine started, and you peeled out into the night,
You didn't even care about my overwhelming fright.

As I sat in my pose determined you would come back,
The sun faded behind me while the surroundings turned black.

Day after day I stayed in that park,
Lying... waiting... too feeble to bark.

As I lay there dying thinking of you master,
I asked myself how I got into this horrifying disaster.

With my last breath of life, I whispered your name
Then I collapsed in a heap overrun by pain.

Why didn't you love me master?  Why didn't you care?
Had I no significance, was I just a clump of hair?

I stayed there master and I waited for you
I guess taking care of me was just too much to do.

I'm gone now master, no more You-and-I
But what I can't figure out is why you didn't even say goodbye

A essay by Megan Blount (president)
State: Florida
When hurricanes hit land humans and animals both take cover. What people don't always realize is that hurricanes dont only kill and hurt humans, but kill even more animals.
When hurricane Charly, Gene, and Francis hit my home town of Central Florida millions of animlas were devasted. That was the first time we had seen a hurricane here in years, so we didnt know what to expect. I volunteer at a local wildlife shelter and after the first hurrican, Charly, we had over a 100 squirells in the shelter. Thats alot of food! If you didnt know hurricane season and squirell season are at the same time. Most of the squrrills that were rescued died shortly because of amonia from the wind and rain. Then having two more hurricanes plus the outskirts of Ivan didnt help the matters. Trees or homes for animlas fell like crazy. On my street alone we had four trees fall, now imangine that all over Florida. All wildlife are effected by hurricanes.
Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast last month. This was a disaster that hurt everyone. Flooding, wind speeds over any I have seen and panicing caused disaster in Lousania, Mississippi, and Alabama. Not only did this hurricane's winds cause tress to fall, houses to be destroyed and tons and tons of damage but flooding in New Orleans killed millions of poor animals along with killing many humans.
Besides these direct effects the biggest problem was evacutation. Animal lovers- Imagine that you were just hit by hurricane katrina and were forced to evacuate, you would be forced to leave your beloved pet behind, were it will probably drown or starve, sad isnt it. could you do it? Could you live with yourself? Well millions of peple had to leave without there pets to save their own lives. Ive even heard cases were people are refusing to leave but in most cases people are forced to evacuate. Hundreds of cats, dogs, horses, ect. were abandon. Rescue teams are trying to save as many as they can but saving them all is near impossible.
 Hurricanes are devastating to all living things on Earth. We dont know why they are getting so bad but the fact is they are getting worse. We need to prepare for storms, decide ahead of time where to keep your pet. Afterwards help out at a local shelter. Hurricane Katrina was reated one of the worst disasters in history, so we need your help. One person cant do it alone. Donate, or volunteer your time to help those animals effected by hurricane katrina and you will feel great you did. Come on trust me.

A Dog's Plea
Author: Unknown
Treat me kindly, my beloved friend,
for no heart in all the world
is more grateful for kindness
than the loving heart of me.
Do not break my spirit with a stick,
for though I should lick your hand between blows,
your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me
the things you would have me learn.
Speak to me often,
for your voice is the world's sweetest music,
as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail
when your footstep falls upon my waiting ear.
Please take me inside when it is cold and wet,
for I am a domesticated animal,
no longer accustomec to the bitter elements.
I ask no great glory than the privilege
of sitting at your feet beside the hearth.
Keep my pan filled with fresh water,
for I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst.
Feed me clean food that I may stay well,
to romp and play and do your bidding,
to walk by your side,
and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life,
should your life be in danger.
And, my friend, when I am very old,
and I no longer enjoy good heath, hearing and sight,
do not make heroic efforts to keep me going.
I am not having any fun.
Please see that my trusting life is taken gently.
I shall leave this earth knowing with the last breath
I draw that my fate was always safest in your hands.

I Know I have A purpose!
A poem by: Megan Blount ( president )
Age: 14
State: Florida
"O please, pretty please mom let me get a kitten?"
These were the only words you would hear from me.
When my mother finally gave in to all my begging and pleading my heart thumped with joy.
I went to the pet store and would pick out a kitten, but how do you pick just one.
All of there big knowing eyes set upon me and i drifted into their spell
I couldnt leave without saving more than just one.
               I knew I had a purpose!
rescuing a bird can be so rewarding but when you feel bad for the worms
                You know you have a purpose!
When you feel guilty for smashing an ant
                You know you have a purpose!
When you don't do anything and animals take to you
                 You know you have a purpose!
When your watching a movie and cry because the dog gets it by a car
                  You know you have a purpuse!
When you would rather be hangin with cats then your BFF
                  You know you have a purpose!
When you feel bad for the meanest animal there could be
                   You know you have a pupose!
I know I have a purpose to help and save animals in need, do you feel the same way?

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