
Contact Us
Fun Animal Facts
Club Background
Member Info
Projects/Stuff We Do
Animal News
projects and events
Bulletin Board
Club Photo Album
Endangered Species!
Contact Us
How You Can Help
Pet of the Month
Animal Quotes/Poems/Stories
animal shelters

We're interested in hearing from you!

Do you have comments or questions on our organization? An announcement or posting for our Bulletin Board? Or would you like to become a member of our club? Please get in touch!

Just click this address to send us e-mail:

Megan's email

Kati's email

Become a Member!

click on the link and it well  include information about how to become a member and the dues and benefits associated with membership.

Member Page.

You can also reach us by Aim
Kati- - - CALApres1
Megan- - -CALApres2

Animals-need-your-help!!! And we give it to them